Monday, January 19, 2009


In a Vision:
I walk along a green wooded path. Stag Deer comes out of the woods and faces me. I am not afraid. He walks up to me and with the tip of his right antler he opens my chest and leaps into me. He looks out on the scene from inside my chest and walks beside me to my left at the same time. Buffalo walks to my right. They lead me to a clear lake where I drink and bathe myself. I then turn to look at the shore standing knee deep in the water as Moose has taught me to do.

I see the Horned God (masculine deity of Europe) step out of the woods to my right and he approaches White Buffalo Woman (feminine deity of N.America) who has come from the left to stand on the shore. They dance perfectly together. There is no music or sound but the dance itself speaks to me and says: “It was never the Horned One’s intention to rape White Buffalo Woman”. Tears fall down my cheeks as I release guilt I did not know I had, guilt for being white on red people’s land. “The child of this union cannot be born until the white people release their guilt and the red people release their resentment.

I remember calling in the directions with Rainbow Eagle and how I understood in that moment that we have all been calling this in since we began to honor the directions, to see differences. The moment a human knew that south was different from north, the dance began. The desire to blend was born and the walk toward Unity started. Each Native American that faced north and called on that power called Europeans to this continent. Each time any Medicine Person, any Magician, any Witch, any Shaman, Priest or Priestess called to the directions we called each other into the Metis (or mixed blood) Way.

Like children we come together and like children we fight over the toys of ownership, rights, ego . . . there is no people who have not been both perpetrator and victim. We stand as equals in the great expanse of time.

This is a Sacred Time. What we have called to for thousands of years is upon us.

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