Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Woman’s Body Sings . . .

My Body is a Temple.
to nurture and dress in finery.

My Body is a Vessel.
A flowing place for the waters of Spirit.
A holding place for the unborn.
My Body is a Temple.

My Body is a Healer.
Crimson cleansing ever renewing
follows the Moon in her wax and wane.
My Body is a Temple.

My Body is a Midwife.
Birthing all that I dream.
My labor is Sacred
and my chosen children are wisely born.
My Body is a Temple.

My Body is a Cauldron.
The Mystery of Orgasm my Alchemy.
Brewing the Magick of sensual pleasures.
Bubbling and boiling with wonder.
My Body is a Temple.

My Body is a Fortress,
impassable and strong
with a wise gatekeeper who knows the face of the enemy.
My Body is a Temple.

My Body is a Temple
Amid flowing veils of gossamer
make offerings of Beauty.
For I am Virgin
and I am FireWoman.
I am vessel, healer, midwife, cauldron, gatekeeper,
and mistress of glamours.
My Body is a Temple.

Listen well.
Remember my Heart.
See me dancing and decorated
in all that frightens you
all that draws you near

              mso/Janet L Zahn

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

~Meditations on My Body~ or ~Remember Who Your Friends Are~

No one else knows the fullness of my story. No one has been with me throughout all the difficulties and joyous experiences, no one has stood by me through the entirety of my experience except my body.

She has been with me through it all. When my son died, my heart refused to stop beating even as I willed it to do so and when my dog was drowning in an icy lake she swam me out to rescue her. She rode waves of pain to birth my children and then was generous enough to feed them.

Every blinding pain and exquisite pleasure has been shared with her.

In my most tortured moments I have been surrounded by her warm flesh and filled by her nourishing breath.

She has allowed me to walk away, to run toward, to stand and fight, to lie down and rest and when my spirit needs to soar and leave her for a time, she waits for me.

Even though I have treated her poorly. Even though I have allowed others to treat her poorly, she is still willing to heal, to cleanse herself and try again.

She has not been able to do everything I have ever asked of her but she has done everything she could. And though she is smaller than many, she has used all her strength when the need was great.

Sometimes I lose touch with her. And these are the times I must reacquaint myself with silence and let silence lead me by the hand back to myself and the deep wisdom, the constant companionship and unswerving loyalty of my body.