Friday, November 19, 2010

Respite, Regeneration, Re-Creation . . .

Last night I returned home with a car full of groceries at the end of a busy day. It was already dark. The moment I stepped out of the car I realized I was looking toward the Lodge. I could almost hear the humming as she prepares for Saturday Night's ceremonial extravaganza. I felt her calling as if she were saying I'm ready, anytime now . . .

More and more she calls these days. Perhaps because the world seems to be going crazy around us and so her harmony is more discernable amid the dissonance.

We must not allow the fear and polarization that surrounds us to swallow us down or knock us under - even through the seduction of busy-ness, especially through the seduction of busy-ness. Slow down enough to know your own needs.

Care for yourselves, whatever way you know how, and remember She is here. Calling out in the dark, with open arms. Solace for the heart, balm for the weary Spirit.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Poems on this page...

As you meander around this blog, here is a space to post comments on any of the poetry that runs down the opposite side of the page. Please be sure to note which poem you are commenting on. Thank You

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A thought.........

Today, while chair dancing on the tractor to Carlos Santana, I decided I am content to be a joyful lunatic.

Friday, May 14, 2010


One of the signs of growing wisdom is when you no longer need to say everything you know and can recognize that same ability in others.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Stepping Into the Brighter Self......

When you no longer see yourself as a conglomeration of past experiences and old wounds, you gain glimpses of Your Self as a Force of Nature.

The Self becomes timeless. It becomes an energetic vessel that may or may not contain physical form. It moves through natural and Sacred Law in a simple dance toward Light. This timeless movement of light interacting with light is Sacred Image.

It takes a great deal of Life Force to step from self Concepts into Sacred Image.

Life Force gives us the ability to heal Self, Life and Others. It plays a major role in preventing disease and determining how long and how well we will live.

At this time we do not live in a culture that supports the preservation of Life force. In fact the opposite is true. In order to maintain this vital practice we have to be willing to live ever increasingly outside the box!

A Few Ways to Conserve Life Force Energy

1) Each year, whether we are in the actual Purification Lodge or not, we can set an Intention for the year. We also have larger Intentions that last years at a time and some that last an entire lifetime.

We make thousands of choices and judgments every day, probably millions. We are only aware of a very small number of them. The more awareness we can develop and maintain about these choices the more we can make the choices that support our Intentions and further our growth. Any time we are able to stop the inner process from working at cross purposes; we SAVE life force !

In other words, whenever you catch yourself in a moment of choice ask yourself: which one will better serve my Intention and then trust your gut level knowing and follow it.

2) Honor the Cycles of the Earth.
Your body is a part of the earth therefore it is naturally aligned with her cycles. The culture we live in is not. The calender we live by is not based on natural timing. Holidays are chosen by humans for convenience (3 day weekends etc) vs. alignment with natural cycles. While it is difficult to do so, we actually save energy in the long run if we honor natural timing of the earth, sun and moon as best we can. So while doing a Sweat in the middle of the week (for Equinox or Solstice for example) may make you sleepy for a day or two, over all it will increase your life force energy because it is feeding your body energy at the time it most needs it and is the most receptive.

3) Be Aware of Your Body/Self as a Container
Choose consciously what you will carry with you and what you will leave behind.
There are several ways to work with this:
~De-Amoring: letting go of the patterns of pain that are no longer necessary for your survival. This is done through some types of body work, alchemical ceremony, chanting , techniques of discipline and high level orgasm.
~Let go, give away possessions and “keepsakes” that are no longer needed. Remember that you carry the joy of good times in your body and so you need not save every little momento. Let your outer environment change and grow and it will stimulate your inner self to do the same.
~Let go of painful memories and paraphernalia. Old journals filled with processing negative (Life taking) emotions should be burned or buried as soon as you feel ready to do so. Keeping them around you surrounds you with the energy patterns locked in those words. Burn them !
~Take responsibility ONLY for those things that affect you and that you have the power to change or affect. It serves no one for you to buy into the illusion that you can carry the burdens of others (this includes beliefs, judgments, past events and points of view).
~Take active responsibility for things that do affect you. Make the changes it takes for you to live as peacefully, simply and stress free as possible. Take responsibility for the stress you do accumulate.

Blessings and Vitality to Us All

Friday, February 5, 2010

All In Good Timelessness

In silence lies the potential for all sound.

In order to be silent I must be without inner chatter so I must allow the inner chatter to flow through me. The moment I begin to fight with it, it has won.

I find I must embrace all my inner sound, to sink into my inner silence and carry my intention, not in my head, but in my womb and in my heart.

At the deepest or highest levels of ceremony I allow the Twenty Waves to take me. They take me into deafening silence more profound than any symphony. The questions and the answers become the same thing.

Welcome to dancing with paradox !

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stacked like Tibetan
stones, my prayers preciously
balance on the Earth.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Creating Reality

I remember walking across the meadow toward the cabin I was staying in during a weekend of ceremony. I was a part of a group that encouraged us all to be prepared for Y2K and for the great change in 2012 in part by stockpiling food, water and weapons which I was not. I kept this to myself as anyone who was not actively preparing for disaster was considered to be naïve and foolish. I am guessing it was about 1994. I was contemplating my children and how old they would be when the “shit hit the fan”.

It was sudden and gentle, as if I were remembering something I had known all along. This coming change was not going to be some sort of horrible disaster nor would it happen all at once. It was in progress at that very moment and would take many years. It would peak in 2012 but most people would not even be aware enough to notice it. I felt that we were still in a state of flux and the future had not yet been determined. (I did not know it then but I would feel the shift take on nagual form and begin to really kick in about 1998.)

I remember “seeing” it as an energetic chasm opening between two worlds. There would literally be two separate realities existing side by side on Earth – at least for a time.

Those who had the energy level to maintain the shift in the Earth’s evolutionary process would be on one side and those who did not would be on the other. Those on the lower energy side would probably not have an easy time of it. Their world was going to change and the resistance would be very painful and cause many to become ill and die. Also those people who’s bodies were too polluted by sickness, unhealed hereditary weakness and any number of physical and/or energetic poisons would also suffer or choose to die.

Those who were able to maintain a higher level of energy would certainly also experience the changes but would have an ability to flow through it with more grace and less resistance. This is not to say it would be "all beer and skittles for the enlightened”. Change is always a challenge and we are all connected to the whole whether we like it or not.

There is also the very dynamic process of karma and / or soul contracts at work here. There may be souls who have the ability to stay but choose to step across for reasons of their own. It is not ours to try and judge others by the events and turns in their lives.

It IS ours to step out of all judgment and simply get ourselves into ceremony and into a positive loving space as often and as much as possible. Not a fake, blissed out “put on your blinders” space but one that accepts that the world is changing and our job is to affect the nagual as much as possible for the “better” so that the manifestation of these changes, which will begin in earnest AFTER 2012, will be positive in nature.

All things are dreamed in the nagual before they manifest in the tonal therefore every time we can get into a Lodge, a ceremony or a good and holy space it is very important that we do so. The time to change the world is now and it is not so much WHAT we do but HOW we do what we do. Do whatever you do with Joy!

You have the chance to bring in more healing and beauty every day.